Asbestos Testing – What You Need To Know

In 1978, the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant Standards (NESHAPS) under EPA guidance outlawed the installation of all friable asbestos (able to be crumbled by hand pressure). Non-friable asbestos containing materials such as floor tile and mastic were installed in buildings up until the early 1980’s.

If you own a building constructed or significantly modified prior to 1990, it may contain asbestos. The OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.1101 requires owners to know the condition of asbestos in their buildings and if tenants and/or employees are being exposed. If you are planning a renovation or demolition, EPA regulations under National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS), 40 CFR 61, Part M require you to know the extent of asbestos in your building prior to the start of work.


We have conducted over one thousand residential and commercial inspections for asbestos. We currently work with over 20 municipalities as well as apartment owners, and property management companies performing inspections, monitoring abatement’s, and conducting clearances.


All of our technicians are either California Division of Occupational Safety and Health certified Site Site Surveillance Technicians, or Certified Asbestos Consultants.


Lead Tech Environmental will sample suspect asbestos containing materials pursuant to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 40 CFR Ch. I Section 763.86 page 654. As recommended by EPA Guidance document 700/B-92/001, we will take at least 3 samples from each homogeneous area.


Our technicians will sample all requested suspect materials in your building, assess their condition and quantifying them. Our computer drawings will show the sample locations, extent of ACM and damaged areas. The report will make recommendations for how to manage the ACM, and provide you with abatement estimates.


We can draft abatement specifications, monitor abatement jobs via air samples, read PCM samples on site, and conduct necessary air clearance testing.