- Lead Tech Environmental was founded in 1994 as a boutique, environmental consulting company that specialized in testing residential properties, both single family and multifamily, for lead based paint and asbestos. Since many of our clients are city and county public agencies operating on limited budgets, our prices are very competitive. We will gladly consult on a job of any size . We have inspected everything from a single bathroom, to Dodger Stadium.
- All Lead Tech Environmental lead paint technicians are certified as inspector/assessors via the California Department of Public Health Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch. They each have over 7 years of experience. The owner has been certified for 15 years.
- All of our asbestos technicians are either California Division of Occupational Safety and Health certified Site Site Surveillance Technicians, or Certified Asbestos Consultants.
- Lead Tech Environmental has conducted thousands of lead based paint (LBP) and asbestos inspections in the past 15 years. We currently work with over 20 municipalities as well as apartment owners, property management companies, Home Depot and Lowes contractors, environmental engineering companies, and insurance companies inspecting both single family and multifamily buildings.
- Lead Tech has extensive experience in both the public and private sector of drafting abatement specifications, monitoring abatement jobs, and performing final clearance testing.
- Lead Tech Environmental’s reports clearly and succinctly identify whether the inspected property contains lead based paint or asbestos, and identify the locations and condition of all positive components.
- We will provide a computer generated floor plan for easy component identification.
- The reports will discuss testing procedures, applicable regulatory limits and regulations, and cost effective treatment options if lead based paint or asbestos is found. We can also provide cost estimates to abate or control any found lead or asbestos.